Tuesday 10 May 2011

Facial Skin Care Routine and products..

Helllllo sweeties:)
I love reading people skincare routine so I thought to myself why not do one? So here just a little post on what products I’m using and how I’m using them. If I found a product I like and it works well with my skin I will stick with it. I’ve got combination skin which is a nightmare sometimes, I have a really oily t-zone (it’s more oily in the summer), sensitive cheeks and a couple of dry patches here and there.

The current Facial skin care routine and products that I’m using at the moment are:

* Almond make up remover.
I do like this product its just that I’m not really a milky/lotion cleanser type of person I preGATINEAU fer facial washes or foaming cleansers I don’t no what I like about them cleanser so much it's just that I feel like I’ve had a good wash afterwords.But its this make up remover is a okay product it does what it say on tin" removes all traces of makeup" .I won’t buy it again but I will use it up because I hate wasting products ,The only thing is that I got it for Christmas and it’s in salon size which is 400ml so it’s going to take a while!

How do I use this product?
I don’t use a cleanser or a facial wash in the morning because I found that it’s better if I only cleanser it once a day however I do use a toner in the morning.
I use this product at night to remove all my makeup.

* GATINEAU gentle cleansing lotion for eyes
Hmmmmm it’s a good eye makeup remover, even gets rid of my waterproof makeup. But I’m in love with my simple eye make-up remover I’m just really fussy when it comes to my eyes. And same as the makeup remover ill use it but I won’t repurchase it. Its 400ml so its salon size.

How do I use this product?
I use this at night even when I haven’t got any eye makeup on just to cleanse the eyes.

* Simple kind to skin eye makeup remover
I love love love this product I’ve been using it for about 2 years. It’s just so gentle and doesn’t sting my eyes. I’ve all got a little bit left but once I finish my Gatineau one ill be repurching another one of these.

How do I use this product?
I use this exactly the same at night when I’ve got eye makeup on or when I haven’t!

* GATINEAU skin exfoliate
I love this exfoliate It's one of the best ones I’ve tired. It just smells good and it’s like a pinky/Perl colour and the grains are tiny but effective. I will definitely buy this product again.

How do I use this product?
I put a small amount into my hands with a bit of water and rub them together then I put the exfoliate all over my face I like to rub it in for about a minute then wash it off with luke warm water with a sponge. I use this once or twice a week.

* Mud therapy Superdrug deep cleansing mask
I love how my skin feel after a mud mask but the only things is because I’ve got really sanative cheeks I cant put the mud mask on them so I buy them food smelling mask( the really good smelling ones) from body care there only about a pound and then I put them on my cheeks.

How do I use this product?
I put this on just before I go in the bath and I leave it for about 10 minutes and I wash it off with a sponge. I use this once a week.

* NIVEA visage refreshing toner
I bought this when I bought my nivea facial wash (I’ve used that all up). I went through a nivea stage about 4 months ago. Anyways I do like this toner it’s not the best one but it works really well for my skin. I might buy this one again depends if I have a mini haul on skin products this probably will end up in my shopping trolley.

How do I use this product?
Once in the morning and once at night.
I put some on a cotton wool pad and then I dab it all over my face and neck I then blotto with a tissues to get any excuse of my skin.

*Simple kind to skin hydratighting light moisturiser
I struggle with facial moisturiser I seem to try loads of them. Finding the perfect face moisturiser is hard! This one is nice and light feeling it’s only a 12 hr moisturiser though! Its good and ill use up but next time I’m out shopping ill probably buy a different one.

How I use this product?
I use this morning and night I put a bit on my hands and rub them together then I rub it all of my face . I apply a little bit more to my nose it gets really dry there.

I hope this has helped :)

Have any of you lovely tried any of these products?

What do you think of them?

Oh also I went in to Debenhams today because I’m looking for a new foundation but don’t want to buy one and hate it so I got a sample of LancĂ´me Paris TEINT IDOLE ULTRA number 010 colour beige porcelain. I love the sample bottle it is so cute.

Has anybody tried this foundation?
Do you like it ?

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